Monday, June 05, 2006


This is one of the best months of the year. Shrouded from sun’s soothing scanning for the last six months, summer is an exhilarating experience no one in the East Coast wants to miss. That’s why long time before the last days of the spring, they would map out the places they would go to, mow and comb their lawn, buy new grill, and choose their new bathing/swimming suit.

At last, summer is here. Nothing beats summer in the East Coast. It is the water that quenches the "dryness" of winter

Hence it is very typical that you see some of them, comes summer time, in their backyard pool,. That is what Zach did last Memorial Day. He was invited to pool party by Fayth (Beccas’ daughther).

We came late though. Fayth was already soaked both in water and in the sun.when we arrived. She was basking in her pink bathing suit enjoying her summer freedom. Zach lost no time and eventually joined the pretty Fayth in the pool for the next 4 hours. He didn’t mind the presence of his presence(who devoured the pizza, ice cream and fruit salad) while he indulged himself with Fayth and water.

It was only a quarter past the hours of 8 when we called it quits. Not because it was already too late for Zach to go home, but it was too late for me to put the liempo and steak on the grill. And for sure the chilled cold beer will surely miss me.


 Couch is not the place for an older person like me to watch tv. It only takes a matter of minutes before I sleep. That was what happened to...