Monday, July 07, 2008

4th July 4th

This year is our 4th year here in the US. We very will remembered our travel four years ago. It is heartwarming to note that we are celebrating it with the whole of America.
We missed last year the fireworks in Ohio. Jaz was working then, so we had to content ourselves by watching the fireworks display on TV.
This however was different. We were even kind of confused as to where to go. The whole of Houston area got so many places for fireworks display. Our first option was to go to Alvin, at Alvin Community College. Sensing however, the difference of Alvin from Missouri in terms of population, we opted to go to Buffalo Run Park
Although the walk was long, and the park was not really "parkly", yet we were not disappointed by their threat. While waiting for 9 pm, the city entertained us thourh various booths and concert.
At exactly 15 minutes past 9 pm, the park lights went off and the fireworks display began. It was amazing how the crew got it so synchronized. The color was awesome to behold.
Unfortunately, because that was Zach's first time to watch fireworks display, he was startled by the loud sound. It made him so afraid so as he clung more to me closed eyes.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


The child's brain really is like a sponge. It can absorb anything. However, one has to be careful what he/she puts into it.
We are not really consistent in giving Zach and Coco their much desired structured lessons. Most of the time I failed in being firm and disciplined. Perhaps its the enomous household challenge, or was it simply my erratic scheduling.
Right now, I can't see that I succeded in mentoring Zach. At times when I became tired, the remote control was my handy companion. Thanks now that its already summer, going to the park seems to be the best way to make them exercise and cut the tv time.
For the last two weeks, I am very much thankful to Jaz diligence in making Zach do something extra ordinary. This time, she was able to make Zach memorize the 9 planets (including pluto). Although, bulol, yet Zach can say them all.
I don't know what's going to happen for the next 3 months. We are in the process of enrolling Zach to a pre-K school.

This afternoon, we attended Manny and Ethan's birthday party, at Joan's house.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Almost a month ago, we attended the healing mass of Fr. Suarez at the Charismatic Center in Houston. Throngs of people came in, infirmed and not. Most of them pinoys, some hispanics and a number of blacks. A lot of them came in their wheelchair, with a friend or relative accompanying them. You can really feel the theme of the night, it seemed that even living in this 21st century and right in the backyard of the Houston Medical Center would not answer their need for healling. They needed an outsider to heal themselves.

My family went their to participate in the healing service. I, though, have a personal reservation on how effective could it be. Nevertheless, I came and observe. Right after the mass, Fr. Suarez started the healing service. The first were those in wheelchair and acutely infirmed. Since Zach and Coco went restless, I pulled them back to the hall. Although I could see them in the TV monitor I wanted to see them being healed personally. To my disbelief and amazement, all the accounts in Fr. Suarez website and from people who have witnessed the healing service, were true. The lame were able to walk, the deaf were able to hear, the blind was able to see and those who have been suffering from their ailment, ranging from athritis to stroke were healed. I saw some old folks pushing their own wheelchair back to their seats, all tear eyed and don't know what hit them. There was even a vietnamese lady who jumped out and ran towards the door of the center.

I saw a lot of people, all kinds, fell down just with the simple laying of hands by Fr. Suarez. For unknown reason, their bodies just folded up and went down. Good their were "catchers" behind them to safely support them while going down.

I was wrong when I thought that bringing Zach and Coco was a bad idea. It turned out to be the brightest idea instead. Had it not for them, we would have been there waiting for so long. Thanks to them, all those who have kids under 7 were allowed to be in line after those in wheel chair.

When it was my turn to line up, I took Coco with me. Jaz got Zach. We were at the center of the line, and our catchers were right behind us. Fr. Suarez lay his hand one by one to the kids and parent. Some folded up, others didn't. When it was on our turn, he touched Coco's head, and mine. I didn't close my eyes but felf a sudden thud in my whole body. I was expecting to fall but my consciousness told me to stand firm because I was holding Coco.

The healing experience was real. For me to know and find out if something happened to my body is immaterial. By just going there and witnessing the phenomena in front of me was enough to believe that something was different and real. The healing maybe subjective and can be appreciated only by the one healed, but no can can question it. People believed it and it happened right before our eyes.

Of course, most of the result will be found out in due time, but the real lesson was, indeed, for us human, we don't only need cures but healing.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spot the Difference

Zach and Coco are the best of both worlds for us. You can't complain even if they make your day so miserable. They are different and yet the same.

While Zach likes pizza, Coco loves rice. Zach has difficulty using spoon and fork, Coco is a veteran. Zach love's indoor, Coco wants to go out always. Dora was for Coco, Diego is for Zach.

At their early growing up, Zach can only identify parts of his body when you ask him to point it out, Coco on the other hand, can point and say it. Zach developed his teeth faster than his age. Coco is a late bloomer, right now, he has only 12.

Zach loves egg and peanut butter, Coco is alllergic to both. Zach has a great reservation of taking a bath, Coco loves our bath tub. He can stay there until his lips turned purple.

Coco has no problems taking his meds. (I'm thinking of giving him eggs and peanut butter until he gets immuned for he has no problem taking benadryl). Its a nightmare when we are giving Zach his meds.

Physically, Zach has a lot of things in common with her Mom. Coco and I has a lot of similarities. (His armpit smells exactly as mine, it smells like the sweet baby powder milk, not the spoiled one)

The same yet different. Both love TV, but only Coco can fall sleep while watching, a trait that is pecularly mine.

Both love cookies, strawberry, cereal, pan cake and banana. They are equally sweet and showy. They want to hold one of your hand towards their chest when sleeping. Both would give me their bottles after they are done with their milk. (But at first both throw their bottles come what may right after they're done).

Both bang their heads when they are upset. (We don't know how Coco got it because Zach stopped doing it way before Coco can notice or remember it).

Comparing Coco to Zach, he seems to be advanced in his age. Right now, we can ask him to open and close the door, get a new diaper, put his old diaper in the trash can, pick up this and that. I can even ask him to help me tidy up the family room before bedtime.

In the case of Zach, even at his age today, he simply ignores you if he does not feel like helping. All you could hear was the resounding NOOOO! A great temptation for you to spank him.

Children probably are like that. They are full of wonders. At one time they would amaze you, in other time, they would kill your patience. Their energy seems unending, yet their interest is short.

But we all call them babe.

Summer Zizzling

Its been a while since I had my last visit to this site. Its been hard to get inspiration from just about anything. My drive to write was nowhere to be found. I'd rather feel the day than write it.

Today, however, is different. Woke up early for our grocery. First, we went to Wel-Farm for our pantry needs, then later on wen to Wal-Mart for the kids stuff.

Just when you thought you have saved something when all of a sudden you found out that you been ripped of. Point of fact today was the rice. Wel-Farm priced it at $15.00, but Wal-Mart sells it at $9.00. The goodnews though was we were able to stick to our budget.

We have tried again for the nth time to use our debit card, instead of the card. We found out that you can really save if you pay in cash. There is a bigger chance for you to really "scan" what you really need. Unlike when you are using your credit card, you don't mind whether the things you had in your cart are necessary things or just unwanted stuff. Plus, its easier for you to swipe the credit card than to discard what you don't need. I hope we can stick to our monthly budget this time.

For the second time, we had bar-b-que and lunch outside. We love our grill. For a hundred bucks less, we can enjoy the sweet aroma of a real grilled liempo and tilapia (not just broiled). Summer is going to be fun this time. I wonder what are we having this time of year if we are still in Ohio.

Thank you, Texas.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


The February that I planned to be simple turned out to be the a month that kicked off the year. It was a month full of parties. Beginning on February 2, we busied ourselves preparing for our friends from Ohio who came to stay over that weekend. Julem, Ace and John were here for Manny and Imee's wedding thanksgiving in Sugarland.
Ate Glenda and her husband paid a visit too, though they never stayed long. Yet, it was one of the visits that I was looking forward to. She's my only known relative here in the US. Although we were first cousins and both of us were born in the P.I, yet we met each other once. That was when we were 12 years old.
On the second week, we had Zach's birthday con Valentine party. It was also our first time to invite our Savannah friends to come and see for themselves our home. We certainly had fun. Zach and Coco had a blast.
The last party was with the family of the Ex-sems;. It was our second for this year and we planned to continue this event every month.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


After more than 5 months, I came to see a new doctor in Texas. My health case is not easy to understand. Type 2 diabetes, a high blood pressure and a not so very ideal cholesterol level, plus all the other complications these three, from time to time, bring to my body.

This time my doctor seems to be very firm that I do my share of reaching a healthy life. It seems quite hard for me, and unrealistic, but when she told me to shape up not because its good for me but it is good for my family, I was surprised to see myself responding to the challenge.

At this time of my life, how would I not miss the joy of being with my family. This is just a simple gesture from me to help. By doing so, I may be lowering the bills and helping Jaz as well.

Again, I need not just dream but work on my health. And work harder this time.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

18 January 2008

This is a bad day for Zach, he spent most of the day watching TV. Jaz was kind of sick too, she was in bed for most of the afternoon (although this is understandable bec. she's going to work)

Coco was kind of ok, although for most of the day he was busy chopping, but he was good, except when his Mom was about to leave for work.

We had kare-kare for lunch and sinigang na pampano, for dinner.

Thank God were were in bed before 9 pm, although as usual, Zach gave me a hardtime washing him up again.

*Jeje called.
*mailed letter to pledge
*settled with scholastics
*got a letter from bro. henry
*been waiting the whole day for joyce of lennar
*placed the bait.


Its half way past January now, except for some new surprises, everything is pretty much the same. It seems that we are only getting by day to day, without even "dreaming" of what would we like the day to be. This is getting sickening. If I would just let this thing to happen everyday of my life, then its going downhill from here.
At the start of the year I have started the ONE. This is a lifestyle philosophy just to remind myself to be busy again, and not be tied up with the rythm of mediocrity and stillness. What is the ONE then. Well, basically, this is living a life in the measure of the ONE.
Its start with the day of ONE hour in prayer, one hour in the internet (so much to be desired here), one hour in the television (needed an iron will to accomplish this) , one hour of exercise, one serving of rice, one day writing the day's chronicle. Basically, this is putting the principle of ONE to things that consumes us, degrades us, challenges us and to what is necessary.
Dream ONE dream at a time too. Loss weight and waist one pound at a time,
But that this mean, I am being mean to myself? What about the fluidity of life, the come-what-may lifestyle, the freelance, the free flowing? Am I not being tough on myself?
Well, a year have gone, and I have not seen the result that I wanted to see for myself. It is about time for me grow up again. If it takes me to go back to my seminary style of life just to keep me going, then I should and I will.
However, for most of the time unspent with the challenging ONEs, spend the rest as free as you want to be. Be eternally glued with your wife, cuddle more, kiss more and love more. Play as much as you want with your kids, goof more and learn more.
Of course, this is a ONE BIG challenge. But you can never put your guard down.
(the next blog after this will be our daily journal, faithfully scribed a day after the event)


 Couch is not the place for an older person like me to watch tv. It only takes a matter of minutes before I sleep. That was what happened to...