I have been working to fix our security lights a the back for two days already. Yesterday was quite frustrating. After enduring the heat under the son, I went to bed feeling defeated. Early this morning, I climbed the ladder again to finally fix it. Thanks to Youtube and common sense, I was able to figure out the proper wiring of the security lights. My excitement was short-lived, though when it failed to turn on this evening. I have to climbed back and change the bulb and tinker it until it finally worked.
There is nothing special today except our attendance to Lance’s birthday at Chuck E Cheese’s. The aroma of the pizza and the enticing invitation of wings proved to be too hard to resist.
Mom is working tonight and so when Coco woke up not finding her mom, he was again emotional. He sometimes misses her mom that he cries at night. Yesterday, while I was making them ready for bed, Coco blurted out saying, “If I have a million dollar, I will not make Mommy work.” Me too, Coco.
It feels good when you are able to mow your backyard so clean. The smell of the grass is just different. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow so as I can enjoy our lawn.